Costumer: Family Food AS, Identity design.
Design: Sandra Olsen
Illustrations: Sandra Olsen
Photography: Sandra Olsen


Family Food A/S is a fruits and vegetable store located in Grønland, Oslo. The store is full of color and soul. Together with the owner, we decided to design in the direction of Pakistan / India, to make the target group smaller. The store has customers from all over the world and sells goods from all over Asia.


The design symbolize community and unity, as the name Family Food invites to. The design is inspired by stickers on fruit, Pakistani tuktuks and Henna from West India. To create an authentic feeling, the design has hand-drawn elements, together with carefully selected typography.

Language has also been used as a tool to reach the target group. The color palette is taken from the store shelves, but is primarily green to create associations with fresh vegetables. The logo symbolizes fruits as something delicate, exclusive and healthy.